• Unexpected garden

  • Route81-The Hub

  • Centre 81-Seminar room

  • Centre 81 Community Gym

  • Centre 81 -Community Cafe

  • Three Lochs Hostel

  • Route81-Canoeing

  • Halloween Rocks

About Project 81

Project 81 grew out of a youth project which was part of Garelochhead and Portincaple Community Trust funded by a Millennium Grant. 

The need for provision of youth services was highlighted by the Trust and a Youth group formed which initially was run out of the Sunday School Toy Cupboard (another home having been found for the toys.) The youth grew from strength to strength and eventually was incorporate as a separate charity in 2003 and name The Route 81 Youth Project. Youth workers were engaged and a home sought.

In 2009 the group were able to buy and refurbish , with over a million pounds from the National lottery and Scottish Rural Development Fund, the abondoned outdoor Centre situated just a few hundred yards from the cupboard.

In 2011 the new Centre was opened compromising the sports hall, seminar rooms, commercial kitchen, community gym, dedicated youth hub and a hostel.

With an increasing community remit and the development of the dormitories in to a hostel the Charity was renamed Project 81 Youth and Community Enterprise Ltd to reflect it's new wider community roll..


Centre 81

Our Community Hub for Clubs, Societies and Events

Telephone: 01436 430000   

email: reception@centre81.org.uk

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Active 81

Our community gym

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Route 81

Our award winning Youth group

Tel: 01436 430004

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